

Winter Watering

It’s winter in Central Florida, which means you’re assured of seeing people overdressing for the cold with coats and scarfs on fifty-degree days, but one thing you don’t want to see much of is your sprinklers. Your lawn and landscape don’t need as much water for the next few months, so it’s time to adjust your irrigation system. We hope this new blog helps keep your grass healthy now, so it green and lush come spring. 

Your grass goes dormant in the winter, kind of like a bear hibernating; but unlike the hairy beasts, your lawn does need some nourishment while it’s sleeping. In the spring, it’s best to have your irrigation system spray your grass every three to five days. Now, change that to once every two to three weeks.

You can do that by adjusting your irrigation timer or even turn it off for a while, but if you do that, it’s up to you to listen to your lawn. Grass doesn’t speak, but it will communicate with you; it can tell you when it needs water, look for these three signs:

• Blades are wilted and look like they are folded in half
• Sections of the lawn appear to be a bluish-gray color
• Footprints that remain visible in the turf for more than 45 seconds 

Inspect your irrigation system
If you notice one or all these signs, it’s time to turn on the system on again. It’s best to irrigate with one-half to three-quarters of an inch of water.
There’s more to your irrigation system than the white box in the garage.  There are sprinklers, drip lines, valves, the rain sensor, and so many other things that you may not want to think about. Since this is the slow season, it’s a perfect opportunity to make sure everything is operational, and water is being put precisely where you want it. 

We know your irrigation can be intimidating. A broken system can cost you money, whether it’s from wasting water or not enough water to your favorite greenery. This is where we come in. Our crews are experts. On top of hiring only the best irrigation technicians in the business, we offer constant training to our crews so they are up to speed on the latest innovations in the industry, like clocks that you can set with your smartphone.
If you need a hand with your irrigation system or just have a question and want us to come out for a free estimate, please contact us.
We hope you have a great winter and that your grass, plants, and trees survive whit season so they can thrive in the next one.
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