Grass Killing Pests

Central Florida is home to a diverse range of insects that can cause damage to lawns and other turf grass areas. Some of the most common include chinch bugs, armyworms, mole crickets, and sod webworms; we hope this blog helps you identify what's eating your grass.
Chinch bugs are one of the most destructive insects in Central Florida, as they feed on the sap of grass blades and can quickly cause significant damage to lawns. They are most active during the hot and dry summer months and can be found in large numbers in St. Augustine grass and other warm-season grasses. Chinch bugs are small, measuring only a few millimeters long, and can be challenging to detect. Signs of chinch bug damage include yellowing or browning of the grass, which can eventually lead to the death of the plant if left untreated.
Armyworms are another common insect that can cause damage to lawns in Central Florida. These caterpillars feed on the leaves and stems of grasses and can quickly defoliate an entire lawn if left unchecked. Armyworms are most active during the fall and winter months and can be identified by their distinctive striped appearance. Signs of armyworm damage include brown patches on the lawn and visible damage to the blades of grass.
Mole crickets are also a significant pest in Central Florida, particularly in sandy soils. These insects tunnel through the soil and feed on the roots of grasses, which can cause considerable damage to the lawn. Mole crickets are most active during the warm and humid summer months and can be identified by their distinctive burrowing behavior. Signs of mole cricket damage include thinning of the grass and uneven patches in the lawn.
Sod webworms are another common insect that can cause damage to lawns in Central Florida. These caterpillars feed on the leaves of grasses and can quickly defoliate an entire lawn if left untreated. Sod webworms are most active during the summer months and can be identified by the tiny, white moths that emerge from the yard at night. Signs of sod webworm damage include brown patches on the lawn and visible damage to the blades of grass.
In addition to these insects, Central Florida is also home to a range of other pests that can cause damage to lawns, including white grubs, cutworms, and nematodes.
We warned you what's out there. If you have any questions about these yard-wrecking creatures or need help repairing what they did, contact ELT Landscape.