Listen To Your Landscape
Whether it’s tall palms or vibrant flowers of every color of the rainbow in a straight line, every homeowner has a dream landscape plan for their home. However, when it comes to landscape design, remember the words of Rolling Stones, lead singer Mick Jagger, “You can’t always get what you want.” When it comes to landscape design, listen to your yard.
It’s the soil
Everyone who lives in our area will tell you, ‘Florida is different,’ and that doesn’t only apply to our people, it’s also a statement about our soil. Most of the state is made up of sand and clay, two soil types that don’t make the best homes for many flowers and plants.
There’s a way to find out what sitting under your yard, and the best part is it’s free. Dig up a dirt sample and bring it to your local University of Florida/IFAS Extension. One of their experts will provide a detailed analysis of your soil. The soil makeup helps you determine what amendments to add, and what plants and trees will do well on your property. Click here to find your closest IFAS Extension.
Sun test
Another thing to keep an eye on is the sun. Some flowers love it and some not so much. Measuring sunlight for an area of your yard is easy; all you need is a pen, paper, clock, and some time. First, at sunrise, stand in the area that you want to landscape in the morning and jot down whether it’s in the direct sunlight, partial sunlight, or the shade. Do that every two hours until the sun goes down and you’ll have an idea of what kind of plants and trees will grow best in that area.
Remember, it’s all about picking the right plant for the right place. Landscape design isn’t interior design. We never heard of a sofa that didn’t like the floor it was under. Take notes on the sun and soil before you start making plans.
The time is now
It may not seem like it, but winter is the best time to do significant landscape projects. Most plants and trees settle in better in these cooler conditions, and they don’t need as much water to take root.
We’re the company to count on if you’re looking for a new landscape. We have the professionals to design it, plant it, and then take care of it. Check out the rest of our website for examples of our work.