

Shrub School

Does your landscape need a new look? The plants are great; trees are growing tall and strong, how about adding a few shrubs? Why not they are pretty easy to maintain, and many will give you something to look at all year long. Here's a look at five of our favorites. 

Five favorites
Let's start with A for Azalea. It doesn't get more Southern than a blooming azalea. They come in all shapes and sizes, and when gorgeous flowers aren't popping, the shrub stays green all year-long in Central Florida.
Bottlebrush is another local favorite. One look at unique flowers tells you how it got its name. This shrub loves the sun and makes your yard a most stop destination for butterflies and even hummingbirds. If you're looking for Bottlebrush at your closest nursery, tell the grower what type you want. There are a tree and a shrub species, and the tree can grow over 20 feet tall. 

If you're looking for something that's going to produce a lot of flowers, Firebush is for you. The easy to care for bush pops out fresh red blooms for most of the year. 

Ixora is another bush that puts on a show all year, and this one with dramatic flowers. Small flowering tubes cluster together to make something special. The Ixora comes in just about any color you can think of, and with the proper pruning can grow high and wide enough to fill any space. 

There are good and bad things to say about Oleander. One look at one tells you the positives; it gorgeous and grows fast. The negative is also important to know about; it's toxic. The flowers and leaves both will make you sick. As long as you know that and have a place where your dogs or curious children don't frequent, Oleander is a great addition to any landscape.

You just read brief descriptions of some of our favorites. We've planted thousands of them in yards and commercial buildings this summer. Before you grab a shovel and start digging holes, please, keep one thing in mind when planting shrubs; less is more. The ones we mentioned grow fast, be patient and fill in the area you're looking to cover. 

If you need some help picking shrubs, let us know. Our experts know which combinations and colors work best together. What you want may not grow well in the soil on your property. Give us a call for a free estimate and ask about our specials on our landscape design service.
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