Spring Weed Warning

Spring is a growing season. Unfortunately, that doesn't only apply to flowers, trees, and grass; Central Florida's weeds are showing up too. We want this blog to help you identify the intruders that may be popping up in your landscape and go over why they may have picked your yard as their home.
Dollarweed is one that we see a lot of this time of year. If you think the green eyesores in your lawn resemble silver dollars, you probably have a dollarweed dilemma. This weed grows fast. It's most likely because the soil it's in is moist and of poor quality. There are ways to ditch dollar weeds. First, don't water as much, and second, let your grass grow higher than usual. This allows the blades to get thick, and the roots have the chance to build a better system in the soil, which helps put those diabolical dollar weeds out of business.
Florida crabgrass is sure to put you in a bad mood. It's an annual weed with nasty stems that spread like, well, weeds. Improper watering is the main reason this crabgrass is crawling all over your yard, whether it's too much or too little water. Also, don't mow your lawn too short. The best way to combat crabgrass is with a pre-emergent herbicide. The pre is the most crucial part of that tip, do it before the weed begins to pop up, which for us is right now.
We're also on the cusp of dandelion season: cute name, pretty yellow flower, but a real wicked weed. It won't take these sun-loving pests long to overtake the lushest of lawns. Like Bruce Willis, dandelions die hard. You have to get rid of the whole weed, roots and all, or it will grow right back. Hand pulling is one way to go, but if there are too many of them, resort to a post-emergent herbicide and spray them one at a time. Also, mowing your grass on the high side will discourage dandelions.
You'll notice most of our advice on taking care of weeds revolves around keeping a healthy lawn and well-tuned irrigation system. This is where we come in. ELT Landscape crews will take care of your grass and landscape; it's our own. Contact us today for a free estimate because the weeds are out there and growing fast.