

  Irrigation System Adjustments    

 June is the beginning of the summer season, characterized by high temperatures and increased humidity levels. These conditions can significantly impact the water requirements of plants, particularly those grown outdoors or in gardens. As a result, adjusting irrigation system settings in June is essential to ensure that plants receive the optimal amount of water they need to thrive.

One of the main reasons for changing irrigation system settings in June is to account for the increased evapotranspiration rates caused by higher temperatures and humidity levels. Evapotranspiration is the process by which water is lost from the soil and plants due to evaporation and transpiration. During the summer months, the heat and humidity cause plants to transpire more, which can result in increased water demand. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the irrigation system settings to ensure that plants receive the appropriate amount of water to compensate for this increased demand.

Another reason to change irrigation system settings in June is to prevent overwatering. Overwatering can be a problem in Florida, particularly during summer, when rain is more frequent. Overwatering can lead to root rot, mold growth, and pest infestations. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust irrigation system settings to ensure that plants receive the appropriate amount of water without being overwatered.
Furthermore, adjusting the irrigation system settings in June can help conserve water. Florida experiences frequent droughts, particularly during the summer months, which can result in water restrictions. By adjusting irrigation system settings, water usage can be optimized, and water can be conserved during periods of drought.

It is also important to note that the type of plants grown in Florida can impact the irrigation system settings. Different plants have different water requirements, and adjusting irrigation system settings can help ensure each plant receives the appropriate amount of water. For instance, plants that are native to Florida, such as palm trees and hibiscus, have adapted to the local climate and require less water than non-native plants.

Changing irrigation system settings in June in Florida is necessary to ensure that plants receive the appropriate amount of water, prevent overwatering, conserve water, and optimize water usage during periods of drought. ELT Landscape can help; We have experts who can test and set any system on the market. Contact us today for a free estimate.

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